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The 7 Best Ways to Save for Purchasing Your First Home*

When it comes to saving money for a down payment on your first home, there are a lot of different ways to go about it.…

Olive Overhall

This may be quite possibly the longest revamp in the history of the world. I first mentioned on stories that I was going to give…

Tidy Home Tidy Mind*

It’s no surprise that I like to keep Baylyn House tidy & it’s one of those questions that I get asked every single day without…

3 Ways To Update Your Home*

Make your home more inviting – both on the inside and outdoors. Whether you are planning on building a new house or are looking to…

4 Hacks to Effortlessly Renovate Your Home as a Beginner*

Your home is where you spend most of your time with family and friends. After years of living in the same place, you will feel…

Pet-Proof Your Home And Make It Pretty *

During the first lockdown in 2020, pet adoption has hit record figures. Unfortunately, a lot of people who have adopted dogs and cats during lockdown…

3 Tips To Facilitate Smooth Settling in a New Town*

Most people perceive leaving a town they have considered their home for ages as one of the harshest punishments in life. There are many emotions…