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Creating a Home Your Friends and Family Will Love*

Your home is primarily there for you and your immediate family, but it’s always good to think about your extended friends and family, too. After…

Property Upgrades That Will Make Your Neighbours Jealous*

When it comes to home renovations, there’s a lot that you need to consider. First, of course, is the amount of money you’re going to…

Renovating A Room In Your Home? Read This First!

Every so often, homeowners will invest some time and money renovating parts or even all of their abodes. There are many reasons why people remodel…

7 Ways To Make Your House A Happy Home*

Our home is one of the places that we spend the majority of our time in, which is why you should be making sure you’re…

Hallway Panelling Revamp

What could a girl possibly want on her 30th birthday in the middle of a global pandemic? No chance of holiday, a big party or…

A Christmas Home Tour & Gift Guide

2020 is almost coming to a close & what a funny old year it’s been. For many of us, a year we would rather forget…

Should You Buy An Old Home Or A New Build?*

Both old homes and new builds can have their advantages and disadvantages. If you’re unsure whether to buy an older home or a newer home,…