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My Top 8 Tips For Updating A Room Quickly & Affordably

So it may not be quite ’60 minute makeover’ timescale BUT a room makeover needn’t eat up too much of your time or take over…

Transform Your Bathroom Into a Hotel-Like Experience*

Whether it’s to impress your guests or create a luxury spa-like experience for your own use, updating the bathroom is a fantastic way to improve…

Slumber Your Way to Serenity… Things to Consider When Buying …

Your bedroom is, with a few obvious exceptions, a place for sleep and rest. It’s a place where you can come to relax and unwind…

How Our Senses Can Help To Create The Perfect Cosy …

During the winter your bedroom becomes a place of sanctuary or a retreat from the dark, cold & wet weather going on outside. In the…

Steam VS Traditional Mop*

To steam or not to steam, that is the question. The answer is probably a bit variant depending on the generation you speak to…grandparents for…

Improve The Property Value, Utility And General Awesomeness Of Your …

Once you have made decent headway paying your mortgage, and have lived in your house for a few years, it might be tempting to improve…

My ‘Dream’ Home

I often get asked if Baylyn House will be our ‘forever’ home & if you had asked me a couple of years ago when we…