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New Years Reflections

Photo by Colin Poole for the February 2018 Ideal Home magazine edition I always find this time of year so reflective, the cross over from…

Post-Christmas Interior Blues

In my experience, you are either one of the ‘itching to take them down’ types or a ‘keep them for as long as possible’ when…

Things To Consider When Packing To Move Home*

  If you are packing your belongings in preparation for moving home, then there are some things that you might not have considered. These will…

Elegant And Affordable Finishing Touches For Your Home*

  What does it take to make a home elegant? While you could buy plush furnishings and invest in luxury textiles, there are other things…

Making the Most out of the New Year Sales*

The new year is a time where everything is injected with a much needed dose of freshness. It is a time where resolutions to change…

Home Improvements That Will Keep Your Home Safe and Secure …

Winter can be a tough season to get through. With the lack of daylight hours and the effect the severe weather conditions can have on…

Top Tips to Child-Proof Your Home*

Maintaining the perfect home, at least our perfect home, is a difficult task that certainly isn’t made any easier with the introduction of the patter…