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Mr The Home That Made Me – Being An Instagram Husband

Too often I find myself stood by the bin in the corner of the kitchen, not only because I enjoy it immensely but because I…

For The Love Of Patterned Tiles

The patterned floor tiles in my ensuite bathroom are something that I get asked about more than any other feature in my home. You guys…

The Art Of Accessorising

Accessories are the finishing touches that we put on our homes to give them a homely & complete look. Think of it like giving a…

Hosting Foreign Students

We’ve hosted foreign students for a few years now in both Baylyn House but also our old house before we had children. I remember searching…

Love What You Do – Do What You Love

Being a ‘professional’ blogger (& by that I mean making an income from it/it being my main job…) is something that I didn’t necessarily chose…

The Perfect Dressing Table*

  A dressing table is pretty much every woman’s dream. Not only is it the perfect place to get ready but it also adds an…

My Self Improvement Journey – January

Part of my New Years Resolutions was to get my arse into gear & lose some weight. It’s now been 1 month (4x weigh in’s…