How To Redesign Your Bathroom In 5 Easy Steps*

Your bathroom isn’t simply a place to wash and clean yourself. It can be the place where you relax with a nice bath after a hard day at work. Or it can even be the place where you go to hide from your kids / wife / husband and catch a breath for five minutes. There is also a widespread theory that your bathroom can say a lot about your personality. As such, it is sensible and recommendable to invest into a nice, appealing, and functional bathroom.

1. Know What You’re Getting into – Financially and Emotionally –


A renovation is no walk in the park. It can be a testing time for the strongest of us and take us on an emotional roller-coaster ride. Extreme emotions ranging from panic and stress to fear and anxiety are to be expected. In addition to the emotional strain, a redesign will also be financially demanding as it can easily eat up all your savings if you let it.


So know what you’re getting yourself into, and get mentally and financially prepared for what’s coming, and find out what kind of expenses to expect.


2. Set a Budget –


The first part of the renovation project doesn’t involve a hammer or nails as you might assume, but a pen, paper, and your bank statements.

Creating a budget is key to the success of your renovation as it will dictate what form your renovation will take. Having a financial plan will tell you what you can and can’t afford. That way you can figure out early what kind of work you can realistically achieve with the money you have and what kind of hardware and furniture you can go for.

3. Spend Your Money Wisely –


Knowing when to spend and when to save is crucial to any successful redesigning project. One of the places where you CAN save is when it comes to your door furniture such as handles and knobs or bathroom accessories. These days there are a number of places that offer high-quality products for affordable prices, so you’re not even forced to choose between quality and affordability.

4. Use Your Space Wisely –

Especially when it comes to the bathroom, every inch matters. So use your space wisely – and if there simply isn’t enough space, create it yourself.

When designing your bathroom, spend some time using the right tiles to create a large-scale pattern, for example. Not only will this look fancy and modern, but it will also make your bathroom appear bigger than it is. By tricking the eye you will thus create space where there is none (and you don’t even need to break down a wall for this one).
Another nifty little trick is to drop the shower door and opt for shower curtains. As mentioned before, in the bathroom every inch matters. So when there is simply no space left for a glass door that moves in and out, a shower curtain provides the perfect solution.
So use your space wisely – and if there simply isn’t enough space, create it yourself.
5. Think of the Future and Go Green –
Going green is not only good for the environment but also your bank account. So when you’re out buying your shower heads, toilets, and faucets keep this in mind and go for one of the largely available water-efficient options. The purchase won’t make any difference to your redesigning project but in the long run, you will be saving gallons of water and hundreds of pounds.

Love, Charlotte x

*This is a sponsored post