Design My Spare Bedroom – Design 3

Last, but possibly not least (come on guys – get sending some ideas in to be put up for the vote tomorrow!) is design number…

Design My Spare Bedroom – Design 2

Seeing as it’s Wednesday, I think it’s about time for me to reveal design number 2. Whilst browsing Pinterest I came across these pictures which…

Design My Spare Bedroom – Design 1

If you read my post yesterday you’ll see that I’m calling out to all my lovely blog readers & followers to have an input into…

Design My Spare Bedroom

This week I need YOUR help in choosing a design for my spare bedroom & I’d like you to help me decide which of 3…

The Home That Made Me Introduction Video

Love, Charlotte x

How To Style Your Little’s Bedroom

One of the highlights of my pregnancies was being able to decorate my future bundle of joy’s nursery. It was time to wave goodbye to…

Sainsbury’s Living Challenge*

A few weeks ago I was invited by Sainsbury’s to undertake a 1 week challenge & I absolutely jumped at the chance seeing as I’m…