The Pro’s & Con’s Of Open Plan Living

Open plan living is something we as a family are a huge fan of. We’ve recently made our home even more open plan than it…

What’s Holding You Back From The Perfect Home?

I get comments almost daily on my Instagram page from people who are desperate to fix up their house & don’t know where to start…

Paint Colour Psychology

Interior design isn’t always about the look, it can also be about the feeling it gives or the mood it sets which is why colour…

Child Safety With Lindam

One of the main flaws in having an open plan layout is definitely the safety aspect with having young children & something that’s been a…

A Letter To My Daughter on her 3rd Birthday

When I was pregnant with Elsa, I started a book which enclosed letters from Joe & I to our bump & vowed to write to…

How The Home Made Me

When I set this blog up back in January 2015 (although I was a pretty rubbish blogger up until January 2016 when I decided to…

Photography With Adele Behles

A couple of weekends ago we had the lovely Adele visit Baylyn House to take some photographs for us so I thought I’d show you…