Royal Ascot With Christy*

Yesterday, Mr The Home That Made Me & I were lucky enough to be invited by the lovely team at Christy to don our finest…

Christmas Tablescape With Laura Ashley*

It’s no secret that I’m a big fan of Laura Ashley & having guest blogged for them earlier this year with my ‘Lilac Love‘ lounge…

DIY Shutters*

I’m completely obsessed with shutters since I had some installed in my old dining room (now a playroom so just a tad wasted beneath the…

Embracing Autumn Interiors With HomeSense*

In the past few weeks we’ve waved goodbye to Summer & are getting well & truly stuck in to Autumn with a crispness in the…

Sainsbury’s Living Challenge*

A few weeks ago I was invited by Sainsbury’s to undertake a 1 week challenge & I absolutely jumped at the chance seeing as I’m…

Lilac Love With Laura Ashley

I’ve been lucky enough to be invited by Laura Ashley to give my lounge a bit of a makeover & write a post to be featured…

Prepare For Spring Cleaning With Garden Trading

It’s no secret that I’m a complete neat freak & must spend the majority of my time cleaning. This time of year is the perfect time…