How to make your conservatory the ultimate relaxing space this spring*

This spring, as snow increasingly melts and more sunlight starts flickering through the trees, you could rejoice in watching it all from a conservatory attached to your home’s main building.

You might even have long left the conservatory unused right through autumn and winter in anticipation of bringing it back into use once the warmer months return. That’s fine, but you can make even better use of that conservatory this spring by following these pieces of advice.

Apply paint in warm and welcoming colours –

One common problem with a conservatory, especially if it has only just been built, is that it can look rather cold and clinical – almost like a dentist’s waiting room rather than part of your house.

That’s why you should seriously consider using paint to add more colour to any solid walls in that conservatory. However, what colours should you opt for? As recommended on retail chain Laura Ashley’s blog, you could choose fresh, pastel tones for a lighter and airier feel.

Choose furniture you can truly enjoy using –

You might be in love with the idea of spending mornings eating your cornflakes while reading a newspaper and evenings sipping wine – and all in that same conservatory.

However, if you indeed plan to use your conservatory in such ways, you should make sure that it has suitably comfortable furniture. When looking for furniture to place in the conservatory, aim to select pieces which can compare to your living room’s furniture for comfort.

Make the conservatory look like an organic haven –

Spending lots of time in a conservatory could strongly appeal to you due to the feeling of a space which effectively merges the inside and outside. For that reason, you could be especially excited by the prospect of putting some plants on display inside that conservatory.

However, if you are indeed in this situation, you should be careful which exact plants you choose. Alan Titchmarsh writes for the Express that, should you use only plants which only have to stay free of frost during winter, you can save money on your heating bills.

Be thoughtful with the accessories –

Even if you have already followed all of the other advice in this article, the conservatory might not genuinely feel like yours until it contains at least a few objects that relate specifically to you.

Such objects could include a piece of art or wall hanging that you made yourself or photographs you have taken of places where you loved spending time.

Some like it hot… but not in their conservatory –

If you are often deterred from using the conservatory in winter due to how cold the space feels during that season, then keep in mind that, when the outside temperatures are warmer, you could have the exact opposite dilemma. Yes, that’s right – an excessively warm conservatory.

A new roof can make a conservatory more thermally effective – and you could arrange for such a roof to be fitted by a roofer in Washington or wherever else your home is.


*This is a collaborative post


  1. Joanna
    November 22, 2018 / 7:58 am

    Hi Charlotte,
    I would love to know how you did the gorgeous fabric ceiling curtains in your conservatory. I would love to have the same in mine but don’t know where to start!
    Could you do a tutorial? I’d be forever grateful 😀

    • Charlotte Amor Valentine
      November 22, 2018 / 5:18 pm

      Hello, I’m afraid we no longer have a conservatory – it was converted into an extension (now our living room!) so we no longer have curtains xx