During the first lockdown in 2020, pet adoption has hit record figures. Unfortunately, a lot of people who have adopted dogs and cats during lockdown have admitted that they have been struggling to cope with the impulse adoption. Some lockdown pets may be up for adoption again as rehomed dogs and cats face imminent welfare crisis.
It’s heartbreaking. But, for a lot of people who hesitated and decided against having a pet in 2020, now is the best time to adopt. You will change forever the life of a dog or cat, and you can learn to build a relationship with them, using all the lockdown lessons shared by former pet owners.

Here’s one last tip for you, though. You need to pet-proof your home. Yet, the good news is that pet-proofing your property doesn’t compromise with your style and decor. Here is what a pet-friendly and elegant home needs:
There will be fur and dandruff
If you’ve never had a pet before, you’ll be surprised by how much more dust you’ll find at home! Pets shed their fur! If you have an allergic background, it can be a good idea to choose a dog or a cat that will keep your allergies to a minimum. Some breeds do not shed as much as others, which means less allergy risk and less cleaning! However, every creature creates dust, from dandruff and dead skin cells – and yes, that includes people. In short, you need to keep on top of it to keep the house tidy. Vacuuming every day only takes a few minutes and can make a huge difference! Additionally, if you love a carpeted interior, make sure to invest in a carpet washer to avoid muddy paw prints and other pet accidents!
Fence the garden up
You can’t afford to spend your time looking for your dog in the neighbourhood. A lot of pet owners are worried about how fences and gates will affect their kerb appeal. You need to be smart about balancing security and aesthetics. A plain high gate could make your property appear austere. However, you can completely transform your property with entrance gates with an elegant open design that doesn’t stop the light. Your pet is safe, and your home looks good!

With a few design tricks, you can also turn a high wooden fence into a playful and colourful border. There are nowadays plenty of outdoor-friendly paint and varnish products for fences. What’s stopping you from turning the dark fence into a bright and cheerful surrounding?
A pretty garden that works for Rex & Felix
Dogs and cats spend a lot of time outdoors. So, it’s important to make sure your garden can meet their needs too. You don’t need to compromise between stylish landscaping and mud castle, though. You’d be surprised to know that you can create a safe playground area for your pet while maintaining a tidy garden. Raised beds and lawn borders look not only stylish and clean, but they also avoid unwanted digging habits and plant destruction! It’s a good idea to opt for sturdy grass and plants that are likely to survive pet-related incidents!
If you have been postponing pet adoption for fear of ruining your decor, rest assured that you can prepare your home for a dog or a cat. Keeping the house tidy and the garden secure and clean is a lot easier than it might seem. More importantly, pet-proofing can be part of your home style and decor.