While designers will often emphasise the importance of concepts like “theme” and “flow” for creating stunning interiors, sometimes features are what really make rooms come alive. You can have the best paint-job and colour scheme in the world. But unless your room has elements that make people say “wow,” you’re going to struggle.
So what ridiculously attractive interior features do you need in your life? Let’s take a look.

Sunken Floors
Walking into a room with a sunken floor is an unforgettable experience. Usually, it’s only something you experience in Japanese restaurants. But nothing is stopping you from including it in your living space and making the most of subterranean living.
There are a couple of places in your property that are ripe for sunken floors. The most obvious is the living room. You can use tiered platforms to create low-profile seating areas.
The second is in the dining room. Instead of having a table that sits atop the floor, you sink the feature into the ground, providing cushions for people to sit on.
In-Built Fires
Inset electric fires that sit inside your walls is a striking addition to any room. Not only do they create a minimalist aesthetic, but they are also exceptionally unusual, making them an instant feature classic. Everyone who enters the room will notice.
Glass Floors Over Water
Thanks to advances in glass-making technology, homeowners can now lay glass floors.
Before any additions, glass is already an exceptional and unusual flooring material. But you can take it up a notch by building it over running water.
The applications for beach houses are obvious. If the property extends out over a lagoon, you can put down glass over views of the sea below. But even if you live in-land, you still have options. Why not set up a watercourse underneath and ogle it every time you walk over it?
Ceiling Libraries
Having a home library is one thing. But incorporating a ceiling library is quite another.
Ceiling libraries offer two benefits. For starters, they look stunning, filling spaces above your head, like some grand dome you might find in a cathedral. And secondly, they help prevent bookshelves from cluttering your workspaces.
Space-Saving Stairs
For years, people have been putting cupboards under stairs for storing vacuums. But relatively few people have realised that stairs are the ideal shape for metamorphosing into chests of drawers and cabinets.
Clock Windows
Clock windows might be the sort of thing you’d expect to find in fancy downtown offices, but they can also make a striking addition to your home.
The idea is simple. You install a circular window somewhere in your home and then add clock elements, such as the hands, Roman numerals and markings indicating individual minutes. The effect is something that is both helpful and stunning to look at.

Stained Glass Doors
Finally, you might want to consider installing a stained glass door. These are fun additions because of the patterns of light they create when the sun shines through them.

This is a contributed post*