Preparing Your Home For Summer*


With the weather finally turning & blue skies lurking, it’s time to start thinking about banishing those cobwebs that have built up over a long winter & start freshening our homes up ready for a hopefully warm & beautiful summer.

Winter brings lots of grime, dust & dirt naturally. Windows aren’t opened so rooms become stale & unventilated…

If you’ve ever experienced condensation/damp/mould then you’ll know how troublesome this can be. Animals & children traipse in mud through the back door constantly & you can barely see through windows from the grime built up on them.

Summer is the perfect time to give your home some TLC so I’ve teamed up with the team at Shark, the housecare brand that has recently changed the way I clean, to bring you my top 5 tips to get your home squeaky clean which you can see in full here.

1. Wave goodbye to Winter –

Go through each room in the house and change thick winter clothing & bedding for lightweight summer versions. Heavy winter coats & boots should be replaced by bikini’s & flip flops. Make sure they are all cleaned then pack them away using your Shark to vaccum pack bags to save space, also labelling is a good idea so you know what to get out when it gets colder again.

2. Flip your mattress –

Flip your mattress as well as give it a freshen up with an airing; this should be done a couple of times a year to keep it in good condition. You can also spread baking soda over it then use your Shark vacuum to hoover this up to kill off any dust mites or lingering smells. If you can, buy new bedding & pillows or give yours a wash at the same time.


3. Make your shark steam cleaner your new best friend –

Move away from harsh chemicals & embrace the use of steam. Use it to disinfect for flooring which has seen one muddy welly boot too many. You can also use a handheld steam cleaner to combat bathrooms as well as stubborn grease in the kitchen.

4. Focus on your appliances –

When was the last time you gave your appliances a good clean? Ovens, hobs, dishwasher, washing machine, tumble driers all need a good clean once in a while to keep them functioning. Did you know you can use steam to do the majority of this? You’ll need your fridge/freezer to be in tip top shape to keep those ice cubes stocked ready for BBQ season, for Sharks top tips click here.

5. Open those windows –

One of the perks of Summer is being able to fling open the windows & fill your home with fresh air. With all that sun shining through, you’ll be able to see all the dirt & grime thats accumulated so it’s important to give your windows a clean using the guide here.


So what are you waiting for? Pop those rubber gloves on & embrace that Summer sunshine!



*This is a sponsored post with Shark