So first up on my week of guest posting is the gorgeous Elle; she’s a fellow pug mum, used to live locally to me in Christchurch & our husbands work at the same investment bank plus she has an absolutely GORGEOUS house which I just know you’re all going to love as much as I do. I’ve never had a guest blogger (other than Mr THTMM obviously but he’s pretty much part of the furniture…) so please everybody give the lovely Elle a big welcome. Here she goes…
When Charlotte first asked me to write something for her blog I was excited; then nervous, massively nervous. I was suddenly hit by a pang of teenage style angst; a lot like turning up to a party of people far cooler than you (most likely one you’ve not been invited to) and trying to just be cool. Much like you, I have been following Charlotte and her lovely home for a while now, and I marvel at her continual passion (and energy) for the constant decoration and re-decoration of her beautiful home. Whilst you may not be “wowed” with my novice input this week, just be safe in the knowledge that she’ll be back from her trip in a few days and you’ll never need to hear from me, or of me, again?! For that reason, I’m just going to take a deep breath, edge my way to the front of this crowded internet party and simply say;
“Hi guys, I’m Elle.”
With that out of the way I should probably tell you a little more about myself? Well I am 31 (very nearly 32, but we won’t talk about that!), I have been married to my wonderful husband for a little under three years and we are currently living in the picturesque town of Godalming, Surrey whilst renovating our Victorian home. Charlotte and I have bonded via the magic of Instagram over our love of neutral décor and pugs; mainly pugs. I have a puggie-sidekick named Boris who appears in many (most) of my photographed home; and a ginger cat named Moses, who generally avoids being around us at all costs.

The other thing that I suppose makes my story a little different, is how I came to be so devoted to my home and its renovation in recent months. Last year in May, after a very healthy pregnancy, I became a Mummy to a beautiful baby boy named Teddy; very sadly Teddy was poorly, and was only with us for three days before he died. This broke our hearts into a thousand pieces; shattering the very core of what I believed and changed the course of our journey as a family forever. I have found our home, and my passion for interiors, a true lifeline over the past nine months. A way to channel my creativity and give me purpose, in a time when I felt purpose was entirely lacking from my life. It has lifted my spirits on the darker days and made me believe that I am creating a homely-home for brighter times ahead.

I know that Charlotte always writes so eloquently of how her first home helped her to achieve so much, and ultimately create the wonderful family life and beautiful home that she has today. Similarly, my little home has wrapped itself around me and helped me to heal after Teddy died. I suppose, you might say, that it has even saved me when nothing else could; and for that I will be eternally grateful.
To cut a (massively) long story short; I have recently started blogging about my experiences and how I have used my home to heal me (that and lots of pug cuddles). You can find me at Elle if you want to read more about my adventures and about Teddy, but for now here’s a little tour of my home…
Our house is a Victorian semi-detached; it was two bedrooms when we bought it, but now it’s a three bedroom (more about that over on my blog if you’re into disasters and putting up stud walls?). Since we’ve been here we have created a new bathroom; turned a downstairs cupboard into a downstairs toilet; restored two original and beautiful fireplaces and pretty much changed the look of the entire house with painting, flooring and window shutters.

I would describe my style as modern-country (I know that sounds like a terrible choice in music genre, but in home interiors terms I think it works out well?). I have a penchant for sourcing one off pieces of furniture (usually by scouring eBay and antiques fairs); I love a good up-cycling project, and I’m a bit of a whizz on the sewing machine (this usually results in an abundance of cushions in our household!).

I am aware that the above all sounds exhausting already; but I am by no means finished with this house. We are now having plans drawn up for a kitchen and dining extension (to create my long-awaited kitchen of dreams); then after that we’ll be moving on to a loft conversion and garage/garden office space. Phew, that sounds like hard work too doesn’t it? I think it’s safe to say that we’ve got a fair old way to go before this home is finished; but do you know what? I’m always one to take up a challenge! So, if like me you like to bite off way more than you can chew in the world of home interiors and renovations; then I think we are going to get along just fine……
Elle x
To see more of Elle’s beautiful house make sure to follow her on Instagram at Elle. I’d also love to direct you all over to Elle where you can read this lovely families story as well as donating to the Little Roo neonatal fund at Ashford & St Peters charitable trust who work so hard to look after premature & poorly babies just like Teddy ♡
I’m normally a “ghost reader” and never take the time to comment, but having just read this and then read your blog posts on your own blog I was moved to tears. I can’t begin to comprehend what you are going through, but I don’t feel that anything that I can say will make your journey any easier. But I will say, you have a beautiful home and I send nothing but love to you and your family ❤️
So exciting to hear from you here Elle, so beautifully written as always! Ellie (@everythingellie) Xxx
Love that your having guest post instead of leaving it blank.
I really enjoyed this one by Elle and would like to say she sounds very cool indeed ? and has a beautiful home.
Lovely post Elle. Love your attitude, you really inspire me after what you’ve been through. Love following yours and Boris’ adventures! ??x x x
What a lovely blog….welcome Elle …..beautiful house I’d like to wish you well on your journey xxx
Hi Elle ? Love the pictures of your home, I will definitely be checking out your blog and house journey. Loved reading this guest blog, I am so sorry about your little boy, your story brought tears to my eyes, I totally understand how your house is helping your healing process, a beautiful home can be a perfect sanctuary when you feel everything else is turning upside down. Take care
Helen xx
Hi Elle,
What a lovely home you have and I look forward to reading your blog.
My thoughts are with you and your husband on the loss of Teddy, Our daughter died a day after she was born and she would have been 13 this year, so I understand your pain. It never leaves you and your life can never be the same after such a loss but I can say that the heaviness in your heart lifts over time.
Wishing you well for the future x