Life in a motorhome can be tremendously rewarding, especially if you’ve tailored the interior to match your particular tastes and needs. That means picking out a vehicle that’s affordable, and that provides all of the features and appliances you need. But it also means thinking about furnishings and other finishing touches.

Let’s think about a few of the elements you might incorporate into your interior.
Personalised Soft Furnishings
A motorhome that lacks soft furnishings can feel a little bit harsh and sterile. When you’re holidaying, this can be a major obstacle to relaxation. You don’t need too many items to make a difference. Just a few throws, curtains, or cushions can transform a space, lending just the required amount of warmth and cosiness. If the items in question have been personalised with your initials, then so much the better.
Bear in mind, however, that your soft furnishings will only look great when they’re clean. Pick out fabrics that can stand up to spillages, and that can be vacuumed every so often.
Efficient Storage Solutions
When you’re staying in a motorhome, it can be easy to feel hemmed in. Just a little bit of clutter can make the problem many times worse. You won’t get the same amount of space as you might enjoy in other forms of accommodation. Thus, you’ll want to make the most of that space.
This is where sensible storage solutions can be invaluable. Try to include compartments wherever the space is available. You might find them beneath seats, in overhead spaces, and within furniture. Footrests are an obvious place to start!

Ambient Lighting Enhancements
Lighting contributes a huge amount to the overall feel of a space. The more natural light you can get into the space, the better – which tends to mean larger windows with minimal dressing. You can install LED strips, fairy lights and reading lamps to get the required sense of cosiness, too. Make sure when you’re making changes to the lighting that you’ve consulted your insurer. Motorhome insurance providers tend to be accommodating, since this is a relatively common choice for customisation.
Personal Touches and Décor
If you can hang up personal items, like family photos, postcards and artwork, then you’ll generate just the right amount of nostalgia inside the space. It’ll feel personal to you, and generate happy memories – which is part of the job of any good home! Just make sure that decorations are secured, so that they don’t rattle around when the vehicle is in motion.

*This is a collaborative post